If you’re like most American’s you want to save a little money this summer on keeping your house cool – without sacrificing comfort. Our HVAC experts have plenty of expertise in that area, so let’s take a look at the top 5 tips they recommend to save some money this summer:
Install a programmable thermostat, stat!
You don’t need your air conditioner running all day long when you’re not home, especially not at 72 degrees or cooler. A programmable thermostat ensures it’s only working while you’re there, so you can save money during the 8-12 hours you’re away.
Clean or change filters often.
If your filters are dirty, that puts a strain on your unit, which can cost you more money in the long run. Plus, who wants to breathe in all that dust and mold every day? Your allergies and wallet will thank you.
Keep blinds and curtains closed when not in that room.
Sure, it’s nice to look outside, especially if you have a nice view; but if you’re not in that room, or aren’t even home – you’re letting heat radiate in, which causes your house to become warmer. The result? Your air conditioner is forced to kick on to compensate.
Seal any cracks around windows or doors.
This is an easy way heat comes in and air escapes, and the reverse is true in the winter. So get caulking!
Consider other cooking methods.
Instead of heating up the oven every time you fix a meal, try sautéing or grilling instead – or even try a no-cook meal like salads or sandwiches a few times a week. They’re fast, simple and can be healthier options when prepared properly.
In conclusion, there are several little things that can add up to big savings in the long run. You just need to get a little creative! If you’re experiencing issues with your air conditioner, or would like our experts to install a programmable thermostat for you – contact us today. We’re glad to help!